Furnace Camera Product & Application News
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Lenox Instrument Company, Inc. Commemorates its 100th Anniversary
Lenox Instrument Company, Inc. commemorates its 100th Anniversary, marking the company's legacy as a leading manufacturer of remote visual inspection/monitoring instruments including borescopes, videoscopes and light sources used for nondestructive testing (NDT) and durable, high-temperature FireSight video imaging camera systems for monitoring combustion and other internal processes in boilers, furnaces, kilns, process heaters and incinerators... read more |
Durable Hot Area Camera for Safe Video Monitoring in Harsh Industrial Environments
Trevose, PA – The new Lenox Instrument Company Hot Area Camera HD II is specially designed for safe, real time inspection/monitoring in harsh, extreme heat industrial environments found in foundries, heat treating, steel, glass, cement and paper manufacturing.
The Lenox Hot Area Camera’s rugged stainless steel housing provides a uniform flow path of cooling water that protects ...read more |
Furnace Camera HD Monitors Strip Annealing During Hot-Dip Coating Process
Trevose, PA – Leading steel producers specializing in high quality, flat-rolled products, are currently using Lenox’s Furnace Camera HD for high-resolution imaging of steel coil position and edge tracking as it enters the annealing phase of a hot-dip galvanizing/galvannealing process.
The function of a continuous galvanizing/galvannealing line is to coat steel with a thin layer of zinc which enhances the corrosion resistance of the final product. A typical process starts with...read more |
Biomass Camera System for Real-Time Monitoring and Optimization of Biomass Combustion in a Boiler, Furnace or Incinerator
Trevose, PA – Lenox Instrument Company’s new air-cooled, high-temperature FireSight Biomass Camera System provides real-time monitoring of the combustion process inside of boilers, furnaces and incinerators burning renewable biomass fuels and other traditional and non-traditional fuels, such as municipal wastes, agricultural wastes and cattle manure.
Viewing the high-resolution, color images from the plant’s control room, operators can monitor the conveyance of materials to avoid problematic situations that can put equipment or personnel at risk; ...read more |
Tin Bath Periscope System Provides Real-Time, High-Definition Visual Monitoring of Float Glass Process
Trevose, PA – Lenox Instrument Company’s Tin Bath Periscope System provides real time, high-resolution images in the tin bath environment. A specially-designed and proven water-jacketed lens assembly enables operation in this hostile, 1800°F (982°C) environment.
Major glass manufacturers around the world rely on the Tin Bath Periscope System to monitor and record the amount of trim being produced, the wheel depth and tracking, the function of the automated drive systems, and the top knurl wheels ...read more |
Portable Diagnostic High Temperature Camera System with Illumination for Low Light Condition Video Inspections Inside Processing Equipment
Trevose, PA – Lenox Instrument Company’s Portable FireSight® Diagnostic System with Integrated Illumination enables high-resolution, color video monitoring and recording while inspecting the inside of processing equipment under low light or dark conditions. Designed to both view and illuminate, this mobile system allows operators to use one unit for inspecting various plant equipment or vessels and requires only one available 1-5/8 in (41.3 mm) opening for viewing/illumination.
The FireSight® High-Temperature Diagnostic System is entirely self-contained, consisting of an air filtration and power system and 9-inch CCD color monitor packaged in a durable case with...read more
Portable Furnace Camera Diagnostic System For Real-Time Inspection Of High Temperature Furnaces
Trevose, PA - Lenox Instrument Company's Portable Furnace Camera Diagnostic System provides an easy and economical means to achieve real-time, color video monitoring and digital recording of combustion and process control in high-temperature furnaces. With this mobile system, operators can use one unit for diagnostics or monitoring and recording of several individual furnaces using any available 3.5 inch (89 mm) opening.
The portable high-temperature camera system provides engineers and operators clear, high-resolution images of burner flames, refractory condition, and material alignment and movement inside walking beam, walking hearth, pusher furnaces, and also rotary hearth, annealing and other thermal treatment furnaces found in the steel and metal industries...read more |
Furnace Camera HD Enables Clear, Direct Video Monitoring And Recording Of Varuous High Temperature Processes From Inside Furnace Environment
Trevose, PA - Lenox Instrument Company’s new Furnace Camera HD is specifically designed to be mounted directly through the wall of a furnace, kiln or other combustion chambers. The Furnace Camera HD provides process engineers and operators clear, high-resolution images of burner flames, material alignment, movement inside the furnace, refractory wear, and other “high-heat” process conditions found in steel, glass, cement, and paper manufacturing.
The Furnace Camera HD System’s stainless steel camera housing mounts in a 3.5 inch (89 mm) opening and employs a steel triple wall laminar flow for efficient water-cooled protection...read more |
FireSight High-Temperature Remote Viewing Systems From Lenox Instrument Co. Provide Lowest Cost Method To Speed Boiler Light-Off And Reduce Nox Emissions
Trevose, PA -- Lenox Instrument Company’s FireSight® High-Temperature Remote Viewing System is the easiest and most economical means to speed light off and reduce NOx emissions by permitting color video monitoring of combustion and process control in boilers, furnaces, kilns and incinerators.
Capable of operating trouble-free in temperatures up to 3,500° F (air-cooled model) or 4,000° F (water-cooled), the FireSight system is ideal for use in power plants, steel mills, paper mills, glass plants, cement kilns, and incinerators. FireSight systems are used to speed light off, evaluate flame quality, ...read more
FireSight Kiln Camera Systems Give a Clearer View of the Inner-Workings of a Cement Kiln
Trevose, PA - Lenox Instrument Company, today announced the offering of the FireSight® Kiln Camera System, an air-cooled high temperature camera that provides real-time, color video images, from inside a cement kiln, including the flame, the clinker load and the walls of the furnace. Designed to provide viewing of color images from a cement plant's control room, the Kiln Camera System provides operators with data needed to adjust fuel feed, clinker cooling rates, and other important variables.
Normally installed at the upper-left side of the kiln's firing hood, the FireSight® Kiln Camera System views in the same ...read more |
FireSight IP Capable, High-Temperature Camera System for Real-Time Inspection of Combustion Processes and Process Control
Trevose, PA - Lenox Instrument Company announces the addition of an IP net workable model to its line of FireSight� high-temperature boiler camera and furnace camera systems. The web browser enabled FireSight� IP model offers the user maximum flexibility and connectivity for viewing and recording real-time color video images of combustion and process control in boilers, furnaces, kilns and incinerators via a standard web browser, such as Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator or by integration into other video management systems.
The FireSight® IP model allows users to record camera output on a network connected PC, server, or ...read more |
Portable, Water-Cooled, FireSight Diagnostic System Allows Real-Time, Video Inspection of High-Temperature Processes
Trevose, PA - Lenox Instrument Company's new water-cooled, FireSight® Diagnostic System is the easiest and most economical means to view and record real-time color video images of combustion and other high-temperature processes in furnaces, kilns and incinerators. With this boiler camera, furnace camera, mobile system, operators can use one unit for diagnostics, testing, monitoring and recording of several individual furnace functions, operating at any level, and using any available 2-1/8 inch (54.0 mm) opening.
The water-cooled, FireSight® Diagnostic System is entirely self-contained ...read more |