variety of incinerators are used in different fields, and viewing
the process with a Lenox Furnace Camera permits each one to operate
more efficiency in the following industries:
- Chemical and Hazardous Waste Incineration.
- Process control is of the utmost importance.
- Trash to Steam, Waste to Energy, and Cogeneration.
- Proper loading and positioning of trash makes for an even
burn and extends the life of the plant.
- Bio-Waste, and Biomass.
- Obviously this application has to be properly processed,
and using FireSight you are assured of the results.
A partial list of our customers:
- Wheelabrator
- Montenay
- Covanta
- Dept. of Defense
- DuPont
- Veolia
Portable Dianostic System in Use |
Boiler Camera Air Cooled
Retract Unit |
Complete High Temperature CCTV System |
All Lenox High Temperature Cameras Carry a